12 Month Visit Bright Futures Handout edited by Mark Simonian MD

Family Support
1. Try not to hit, spank or yell at your child
2. Keep rules for your child short and simple
3. Use short time outs when your child is behaving badly
4. Praise your child for good behavior
5. Distract your child with something he or she likely when behaving badly
6. Play with and read to your child often
7. Make sure everyone who care for your child gives healthy foods, avoids, sweats, and uses the same rules for discipline
8. Make sure places your child plays are safe
9. Think about joining a toddler play group or taking a parenting class
10. Take time for yourself and your spouse
11. Keep in touch with family and friens

Establishing Routines
1. Your child should have at least one nap
2. Make the hour before bedtime loving and calm
3. Have a simple bedtime routine that includes a book
4. Avoid having your child watch scary TV and videos
5. Be aware that fear of strangers is normal and peaks at this age
6. Respect your child'd fears and have strangers approach slowly
7. Avoid watching TV at family time
8. Start family traditions such as reading or going for a walk together

Feeding Your Child
1. Have your child eat during family mealtime
2. Be patient with your child as she or he learns to eat without help
3. Encourage your child to feed him or herself
4. Give 3 meals and 2 to 3 snacks spaced evenly over the day
5. Make sure other caregivers follow the same routines for feeding
6. Use a small plate and cup for eating and drinking
7. Provide healthy foods for meals and snacks
8. Let your child decide what and how often to eat (they may not be interested in any particular meal)
9. End the feeding when the child stops eating
10. Avoid small hard foods that may cause choking like nuts, popcorn, hotdogs, grapes and hard vegetables

1. Keep the safety seat facing towards rear window for the first 2 years
2. Lock away poisons, medicines, and cleaning supplies. Call Poison Control if you believe your child swallowed any of the risky non-foods mentioned.
3. Keep small objects, balloons, and plastic bags away from your child
4. Place gates at the tops and bottom of stairs . Keep furniture away from windows. 
5. Only leave your toddler with a mature adult
6. Keep your child close enough to touch
7. Make sure to empty buckets, pools or tubs when done or have a barrier for other larger pools or spas
8. Store weapons of any kind locked away from the reach of your child

Dental Care
1. Brush your child's teach twice a day with only use a very soft toothbrush and no toothpaste

What to Expect at the 15 Month Visit
1. Your Child's speech and feelings
2. Getting a good nights's sleep
3. Keeping your home safe
4. Temper tantrums and discipline
5. Caring for child's teeth

Poison Control 1-800-222-1222
Child Safety Seat inspection: 1-866-Seatcheck; www.seatcheck.org