From CDC

What is COVID-19?

COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) is a disease caused by a virus named SARS-CoV-2. It can be very contagious and spreads quickly.

COVID-19 most often causes respiratory symptoms that can feel much like a cold, the flu, or pneumonia. COVID-19 may attack more than your lungs and respiratory system. Other parts of your body may also be affected by the disease. Most people with COVID-19 have mild symptoms, but some people become severely ill.

Some people including those with minor or no symptoms will develop Post-COVID Conditions – also called “Long COVID.”

For more information about COVID-19 I will link to the CDC website. There are many good sources of information and I encourage ongoing discussion about the risks, benefits of vaccine, and whether most children are at risk from the disease. There have been mistakes about the management and affects on children of isolation and masking. I have no more to say at this time. Parents should have a discussion about the vaccine and the disease with their pediatrician. If I was still practicing, I would inform families of the risks and benefits of the disease and vaccination.

Reviewed 5/1/2024