Breast Feeding Lactation Consultant

Breast Feeding Lactation Consultant

Outpatient Breastfeeding Follow-up Support

Located on Community Regional Medical Center Campus, Community Medical Center Plaza, 2210 E. Illinois, Suite 103

Call for an appointment at 559.459.6288.

$45 for first visit?

$15 for follow-up visits (Scholarships available if needed)?

Pager available for Urgent Calls at 559.488.0718 (8 am to 8 pm , 7 days a week)?

Breast Feeding

Breast feeding is the natural way to feed your baby. You and your baby will benefit from nursing. A breast-fed baby may have fewer infections and fewer allergies and the nursing mother will benefit because her figure returns to normal faster. Most women can successfully nurse their babies. Successful nursing requires that the mother be relaxed and rested. This is necessary; but even under ideal conditions, it takes several days for a full milk supply to develop. There is not always a lot of colostrum so the baby might not seem completely satisfied. It is the extra desire to nurse longer that induces the milk production. If mother or baby seem too uncomfortable with the amount of colostrum then you can supplement with water, formula, or both. You need not use a bottle to supplement the feeding. A medicine dropper, medicine cup, or medicine spoon may be used to give fluids to the baby. Don’t be impatient. Your baby will get plenty to eat and probably will want to eat often (every two to three hours).

Certain foods the mother eats may cause stomach upset or fussiness in your baby, such as : onions, garlic, the cabbage family of foods, chocolate, nuts, highly seasoned foods and large amounts of caffeine. Although these are the most notorious, almost any food can cause a reaction. Eat in moderation and if you suspect there may be a problem, keep a diary of your meals and your medications.

During the day, nurse about every four hours. Most newborns will nurse every two to four hours. Don’t let them go more than four hours without trying to feed them. In the evening, between 11 PM and 6 AM, they may be fed 2 to 3 times but may go for 5 to 6 hours between feedings. Avoid excessive fatigue and stressful activities because this can affect your milk supply. Get enough rest by setting a regular schedule of naps and adequate rest at night. Eat a well-balanced diet and avoid excesses of any foods. Do not listen to old wives tales and superstitions you may hear from friends and relatives. Do the best you can. You have an excellent chance of being successful at breast feeding.

The first week of life can be extra stressful when your baby acts as if you cannot satisfy them. The nursery or floor nurse will help you get comfortable with nursing. If you decide to supplement with formula and are concerned about any confusion from taking the formula from a bottle then do this. Use a medication cup or small syring to drip liquid into baby’s mouth or let them lap it up from a cup. Don’t try to pour it into the mouth. Nurses can show this technique for supplementation.

Parents frequently are concerned their baby is not eating enough.

Not eating enough
 Traditionally, parents view switching their baby from breast milk or formula to cow’s milk as a major step in their development. This switch may cause serious nutritional consequences if made too early. Cow’s milk does not supply the balanced nutrition that your baby requires during the first 9 to 12 months of life. You should continue to breast feed or feed a cow’s milk formula like Similac™ or a soy formula like Isomil™ until I recommend otherwise. Any formula choices should be dictated by your child’s health and family history of allergy to cow’s milk or soy.

If you are changing four to five diapers a day the first few days, you can rest assured because your baby is getting enough to eat during the first week. You should be concerned in those first few days when your baby is wetting only one or two diapers every 24 hours. I encourage you to give some water or sugar water by cup or syringe to be sure they are receiving enough fluids.

Nursing technique

First get into a comfortable position. If you lie down you can feed the baby and rest at the same time. Stroking the baby’s cheek and mouth with the nipple will stimulate the baby to open his or her mouth and turn toward the breast to grasp the nipple. Nurse from both breasts at each feeding time. Let the baby nurse from each breast for three minutes when you first start and increase the time by one minute every few times. Babies are normally sleepy during their first 48 hours of life. Until your nipples have toughened up, it is best not to nurse from the first breast for more than five minutes before changing to the other breast. Alternate the breast you start with at each feeding. Some mothers use a safety pin fastened to the bra side where they finished as a reminder for the next feeding.

 Total nursing time to empty your breasts is usually 10 minutes. I recommend you start at three minutes on each breast and gradually work up to 10 minutes. This routine may take several days to a week to do.

To prevent sore nipples, avoid harsh soaps and irritating medications. Dove ™, Nutragena™, or plain water work very well. Keep the nipples dry to prevent cracking. Avoid increased tension in the breasts by starting to nurse early and by nursing day and night. If the dark area around the nipple (areola) is too swollen for the baby to grasp easily, some milk should be manually squeezed out to reduce its size slightly. When nursing time is over, place your finger on the your baby’s chin or press on the base of the nipple to relieve the suction. Now, the baby can be removed from the breast without hurting the nipple.

Tongue Tied (Ankyloglossia)

Some infants and children have a prominent attachment of tissue below the tongue (frenulum) that is sometimes associated with increased difficulty nursing. There are various forms of restriction noted by the extent that the tongue can extend and move potential reducing the suction and effective sucking. If the mother or sometimes in hospital nursing staff observe poor nursing due to inadequate grasp and suction during nursing, release of the tongue may be considered. This may be noticed if a lactation consultation observes poor feeding due to inability to grsp the breast and suck.

Some physicians are experienced in performing the release of the tongue (frenotomy) by minor surgery. I am not experienced with that procedure and may advise a consultation with an ENT specialist.

 Reviewed 5/1/2024