Spoiled Child

These children are inconsiderate of others, demand to have their own way, find it difficult to delay gratification, and are prone to temper outbursts. They are difficult to satisfy and do not remain satisfied for long. They are unpleasant to be around, even for those who love them. One often gets the impression spoiled children do not enjoy being with themselves.

A common misconception is children are spoiled by overindulgence. Indulging children is one of the joys of being a parent or grandparent. Instead, spoiling results when you give material things, accept behavior without critical review or fail to provide essential guidelines for acceptable behavior.

Some parents believe it is abnormal for infants to cry except when they are hungry or need changing. Most young infants cry two hours or more a day, perhaps to relieve normal daily tension. Parents worry that holding their fussy baby will spoil or make the baby excessively demanding in the future. Research indicates colicky babies benefit from increased holding and interaction. However, after three to four months of age, infants may use crying in a manipulative way.

Reviewed 5/1/2024