Illness Guide for Parents Privacy Policy

(Retired 5/1/2024)


Illness Guide for Parents is intended to be a short summary of those conditions that a parent should consider before they contact their child’s health care provider. It is not a comprehensive list or complete reference of signs or symptoms. Results from topics chosen suggest contact to an experienced medical professional like a pediatrician or emergency department, for evaluation in person or by phone.

This Guide is a reference aid. The information contained is not intended to be a substitute for professional judgement or reasoning.

The content is Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (H.I.P.A.A.) compliant and does not collect Personal Health Information or Protected Health Information that might identify the persons who are being evaluated, described, or provide the information.


Pediatric Telephone Protocols, Mark M. Simonian, MD, FAAP (approved by NORCAL Medical Professional Liability Insurance May 1996) and content updated July 2018.