Water Wise Chatbot FAQ

Water Wise A.I. is an information assistant designed to provide medically and scientifically resourced information on drowning prevention and water safety to reduce water submersion injuries. In mere seconds it can find information — educational sourced by respected professional bodies that have been recognized for their knowledge regarding drowning prevention. To give it a try go to [ Link to be provided after testing and approval] on your computer or mobile browser. (Tips for best results are at bottom of page.)

1. How does Water Wise AI GPT work? 

Water Wise GPT uses GPT4, the engine that powers ChatGPT. The large language model (LLM) has been optimized for dialogue using Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF) and has been additionally trained with numerous examples of drowning prevention documentation.

2. How can Water Wise GPT assist me? 

Water Wise AI GPT can provide summaries or details regarding information linked to drowning prevention research, policies, and other similar content. It excels at drafting summaries, patient education materials, note templates, you name it. It can translate materials between dozens of languages and can write for audiences of varying literacy levels.

3. What are the limitations of Water Wise AI GPT?

Similar to other generative AI tools, Water Wise GPT does not have awareness of clinical data or global occurrences beyond September 2021. Therefore, certain information it provides may be outdated. It is crucial to note that the accuracy of citations generated by Water Wise GPT cannot be guaranteed. 

We recommend caution in relying on Water Wise GPT for clinical decision support, as inaccuracies might occur. It's also important to independently verify any factual claims produced by Water Wise AI GPT, as generative AI tools may include false or inaccurate statements.

5. Who can use Water Wise AI GPT, and what is the cost? Anyone with a paid OpenAI ChatGPT account can use the Water Wise AI ChatBot. There is no additional cost to the user. (See below for the one time steps, if don’t already have an account.)

6. Can I save prompts that I want to use again in the future?

Yes! If you have a paid account with Open AI ChatGPT, you may save the conversation.

9. I have a question or feedback about Water Wise GPT. Who can I contact?

We value your input and would love to hear from you! If you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at [Contact]

Primary References for content are:

  1. American Academy of Pediatrics Policy Statement on Drowning (Update in progress)

  2. American Academy of Peditrics Technical Paper on Drowning

  3. California Water Safety Strategy 2023

  4. Burdon of Fatal Drowning in California

  5. California Department of Public Health EpiCenter Online Data Center

  6. Partners for Childhood Drowning Prevention

  7. American Red Cross Ventilations and Airways

  8. American Red Cross on CPR

  9. Child Drowning Prevention Handbook


 1.     Specify whether the goal is to learn about preventive measures. For example: understand the signs of drowning, or how to perform basic rescue techniques.

 2.     Use straightforward and jargon-free language. Avoid medical or technical terms that might confuse some users. For example, instead of saying "asphyxiation due to submersion," simply say "unable to breathe underwater."

 3.     A well-structured prompt might start with a context setting, followed by a specific question. For example, “I'm planning a pool party for kids. How can I ensure their safety and prevent any drowning injuries?”

 4.     Guide users to ask specific questions for more detailed and useful answers. Instead of asking Water Wise, "How can I prevent drowning?" ask, “What are the top three drowning prevention tips for toddlers at home pools?”

 5.     Encourage the use of scenarios to make follow-up questions more relevant. For instance, after getting general advice, a follow-up could be, “If a child is struggling in the water, what immediate steps should I take before professional help arrives?”

 6.     Stress the importance of providing context in their Water Wise prompts and questions. The more context given, like the setting (pool, beach, bathtub) and the individuals involved (children, adults, non-swimmers), the more tailored the advice will be.

 7.     If the initial response doesn't fully address the user’s question, encourage them to rephrase or add more details to their follow-up questions. This can help clarify their needs and yield better responses.

 8.     If Water Wise supports it (we’re working on it), encourage users to include or ask for multimedia elements in responses, such as diagrams for CPR or rescue techniques, which can be highly beneficial for understanding complex actions.

 The Water Safety Council of Fresno County hopes Water Wise will provide you with useful information. Although this was referenced from strong, tested scientific and medical information, this evolving AI technology isn’t perfected. If the answers provided seem confusing or incorrect then reach out to your local water safety agency for further advice. You can also get information by Clicking on Contact at the bottom of the page to reach one of our Council members.